https://江南体育贴吧 <![CDATA[amd | 江南体育贴吧TechPlanet]]> . 2022 - 11 - 04 - t17:12:00 + 0 <![比英伟达更便宜:AMD推出新的顶级显卡]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson AMD推出了两款新的RDNA-3显卡Radeon RX 7900 XT和XTX。据称,在不需要更多电力的情况下,它们可以提供高达70%的性能提升。尽管确切的价格还没有确定,但显卡可能会比英伟达的便宜得多。
AMD presents Radeon RX 7900 XT and XTX
At an event in Las Vegas, AMD CEO Lisa Su presented two new Radeon graphics cards. According to the manufacturer, the RDNA-3 architecture used in the Radeon RX 7900 XT and XTX provides a performance increase of up to 70 percent compared to the previous top model at resolutions of 4K or higher. At lower resolutions, expect 54 percent higher performance, AMD says.
The Radeon RX 7900 XTX uses 24GB of memory, compared to 16GB for the 7900 XT. AMD specifies the clock rates for the 7900 XTX with 2.3 GHz, for the 7900 XT with 2.0 GHz. Despite the higher clock rates, the power consumption of the top model should be about the same as that of the pred...
2022 - 11 - 04 - t17:12:00 + 0
<![CDATA[Intel第13代评测]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 谁会相信英特尔是性价比最高的公司呢?但是等等,还有更多。随着第13代猛禽湖桌面cpu的发布,它们也是游戏性能之王,使Ryzen 7000的统治时间在最近的记忆中最短。
The Architecture
While AMD kicked off this generation with some big platform changes, Intel's remained on their LGA 1700 socket where they've had a solid year behind the scenes to refine their hybrid architecture on a relatively mature platform by now, which isn't to say they aren't bringing some big gains.
First up is the improvements to their Intel 7 manufacturing process, which contributed to a massive bump in core counts compared to last generation. Both the 13900K and the 13600K got double the number of efficiency or E cores, and the entire lineup saw big bumps in on dye cache, which is great for workloads like gaming. And they boosted up clock speeds too.
On that note, the next big improvement is to memory compatibility. Intel has moved...
2022 - 10 - 26 t14:39:00 + 0
<![CDATA[gpu越来越耗电]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 毫无意义!这就是现在很多人对高功率电源的描述,这些电源承诺提供1000瓦或更高的功率,价格却不合理。当人们在装备中使用多个显卡时,它们会更加常见,但随着SLI和CrossFire由于稳定性和性能问题而失去了青睐,这些巨大的电源也随之消失。但它们是否会在未来再次发挥作用呢?
Yeah, they very well may be if trends in graphics card power continue the way they're going. And if you haven't paid super close attention to exactly what's going on in GPU land, this might seem surprising considering power efficiency has been a huge trend across electronics. I mean, we're getting to the point where it's disappointing if a high-end smart phone only gives you one day of battery life, and the latest Apple Silicon-equipped Macbook Pros boast over 20 hours.
And although we don't run our desktop gaming rigs off of batteries, graphics car...
2022 - 09 - 05 - t13:47:00 + 0
<![CDATA[英特尔-全球芯片短缺困境]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 几十年来,英特尔一直是半导体之王。他们的性能无与伦比,消费者为拥有一台英特尔驱动的机器而自豪。即使在5年前,英特尔也保持着同样的主导地位,因为他们根本没有竞争对手。但随着时间的推移,英特尔的品牌影响力和市场份额似乎正在年复一年地被侵蚀。与此同时,他们的竞争对手比以往任何时候都做得更好。AMD的市场份额一直保持在历史最高水平,英伟达的估值也接近万亿美元。更不用说,在过去的两年里,我们经历了有史以来最大的芯片短缺。所以,如果英特尔有机会回到正轨,那就是在过去的两年里。但是,英特尔一直在努力完全恢复。
In fact, Intel is still down 37% from their dotcom high which was set 22 years ago. In that same time period, AMD has grown 3X and Nvidia has grown  70X. And if you needed any more confirmation that investors have no faith in Inte...
2022 - 06 - 29 - t13:57:53 + 0
<!为什么要发行论文?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 凯利 纸发射!你知道,当一项备受期待的技术终于到来,但你甚至在任何地方都买不到它。甚至像英伟达和索尼这样的大型科技公司,也不知道他们会有多少股票。那么,为什么会出现纸质发行呢?
Well, even though a company might be aware it's facing a stock shortage at launch time, they often go through with the planned launch date anyway, to build up hype for a product by way of comparison. You see, the term "paper launch" comes from the fact that the product's release is only talked about on paper. That is, review samples are sent out to select reviewers who can then write about how awesome the product is, especially compared to the competition. And the favorable reviews will help drive demand before the product actually hits store shelves on mass.
For example, in 2003, when AMD released their groundbreaking Athlon 64 CPU, which was the first consumer X86 CPU to feature 64-bit processing. Intel quickly responded...
2022 - 05 - 05 - t12:22:00 + 0
<![CDATA] AMD的CPU…和英特尔? !]] > https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 想象一下,你可以用和我们现在用不同制造商的零件制造pc差不多的方法来制造CPU。This might actually become a reality in the near future, thanks to a new standard called the UCIe that's being pushed by a lot of major players in the tech industry
UCIe stands for Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express, and it sounds a bit like PCI Express, right? Funnily enough, it's conceptually similar. Instead of adding to your computer's functionality with cards that fit into slots, UCIe builds on a chip's functionality with additional chiplets.
As an example, UCIe might allow for a system on chip that has an Intel CPU, graphics from AMD, and a Wi-Fi radio from Qualcomm, a security enclave from Microsoft, and an AI accelerator from Google. We did see something like this in 2018 when Intel came out with those Kaby Lake G processors that featured AMD graphics. But UCIe takes this concept further and also standardizes it. That's the important part.
But, hold on. Sys...
2022 - 04 - 12 - t15:27:14 + 0
<![CDATA[Intel和AMD之间的实际差异]]> https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 就像AMD和英特尔的粉丝们喜欢在网上互相尖叫一样,普通用户在日常使用中很难注意到这两家公司cpu之间的差异,除非你像我们一样虔诚地进行基准测试。但从内部来看,红队和蓝队的现代芯片制造方式截然不同。那么让我们来看看如何从AMD开始。
Ryzen CPUs are made up of at least one core complex, or CCX, but don't worry. Despite the name, it's not a complex thing to understand. A CCX is just a group of cores along with some cache memory. Newer Zen 3 chips have CCXs with eight cores, while Zen 2 CPUs have four cores per CCX.
Each CCX lives on a chiplet called a CCD. The setup on Zen 3 is pretty straightforward. One CCX per CCD with up to two CCDs per processor for a total of 16 cores. On Zen 2, each CCD can instead hold two of these smaller CCXs, resulting in the same 16 core maximum.
But what links all these core complexes together? Well, you've probably...
2022 - 04 - 11 - t14:33:10 + 0
<!迫切需要显卡?不要被这些骗局骗了 https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 当人们绝望时,他们可能会做一些有问题的事情,目前的GPU短缺确实让一些人绝望,许多人从黄牛那里购买GPU和游戏机的花费远远高于建议零售价。但到目前为止,你可能已经听到了足够多的请求,不要把辛苦赚来的钱交给可疑的中间商。那么还有哪些糟糕的想法是你应该避免的呢?
Well, some common GPU scams are relatively easy to spot. Someone on a marketplace-style site claiming to sell a coveted GPU for well under market value or even MSRP? That could easily be an invitation to a mugging, so at the very least, bring a bulky friend. Just remember that old adage about things that seem too good to be true.
But some scams are a lot less obvious. Be wary of listings on sites like AliExpress and Wish that allow third-party sellers to peddle their wares, 'cause they could result in you getting something different than what you expected.
Now, thanks to buyer protection schemes on sites like eBay,...
2022 - 02年- 17日0 - t12:56:00 +
<![CDATA[AMD Zen 4 Ryzen cpu和RDNA 3 gpu可能在2022年底推出]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 虽然AMD的Zen 3核心架构(包含在Ryzen 5000系列处理器中)已经产生了一些出色的性能分数,但AMD Zen 4 Ryzen cpu的等待可能会持续到2022年底。新AMD gpu的时间框架是一样的,同一份报告声称,新的AMD RDNA 3图形架构将与新的AMD Zen 4处理器一起包含在新一代Radeon显卡中,这意味着PC爱好者将不得不等待至少一年半才能看到下一代AMD cpu和gpu。
The information is brought from Twitter user Broly X1, who has a reputation for being a credible source of AMD-related news. What's worth mentioning to note is that, with Zen 3 based CPUs arriving in late 2020, AMD may not be able to ship as many Ryzen 5000 CPUs (or even its RDNA 2 based Radeon GPUs) as it would want due to the global chipset supply shortage. Having such a long gap between two generations is unusual in recent history but it may allo...
2021 - 06 - 08 - t21:32:11 + 0
<![CDATA[AMD Ryzen 3 5300G台式四核APU在LN2冷却超频到5.6 GHz] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 AMD的Ryzen 3 5300G是该公司最入门级的四核塞尚桌面APU,使用LN2冷却,超频达到惊人的5.6 GHz。APISAK发现了CPU验证,这表明Zen 3核心架构的超频能力大大提高。
AMD Ryzen 3 5300G Overclocked to 5.6 GHz on LN2 Cooling, Zen 3 Cezanne Desktop Quad-Core Showcases Its Power
AMD just introduced their Ryzen 5000G Desktop APUs for the DIY market, although the range only includes the Ryzen 7 5700G and the Ryzen 5 5600G. The Ryzen 3 5300G was not announced for DIY, and AMD provided no explanation. The chip, as an entry-level quad-core, could have been ideal for cheap builds, but the overclocking capability would have made it much more popular.
According to a CPU-z validation database entry by user 'Yosaarianilives,' the AMD Ryzen 3 5300G was overclocked to an insane 5.6 GHz. ASUS ROG STRIX B550-I Gaming was the motherboard used. The validation can be seen here:...
2021 - 06 - 07 - t06:56:55 + 0
<![CDATA[构建一个低于600美元的PC(2021年初)]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 所以,你已经从标题中知道,这篇文章是从2021年初开始的,现在PC组件市场不是很好。供应链的挤压使得你很难同时得到昂贵的显卡和处理器。但我们真的需要所有这些来建造一个有能力的游戏平台吗?
The answer is no and today, we're going to walk you through how to choose parts to put together a solid system for under 600 U.S. dollars. Here's hoping that won't even come close to eating through your tax refund.
Let's start by talking about the CPU, the brain of the computer. Despite the well-publicized chip shortages, it's not too difficult to get your hands on a modern, quad-core processor for around 120 U.S. dollars. Although six core CPUs are quickly pushing their way into the mainstream, most modern games will still play just fine on four cores, as long as you're not trying to stream with CPU encoding or run lots of other things while you're gaming. And b...
2021 - 03 - 19 t13:06:00 + 0
<![CDATA[top5 500美元以下最佳游戏主板[2021]]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 在这篇文章中,我们将看看目前市场上500美元以下的前五款最佳游戏主板。我们根据自己的观点、研究和客户的评论列出了这个清单。在缩小最佳选择范围时,我们已经考虑了它们的质量、功能和价值。
5. MSI AMD X470 Ryzen
The MSI AMD X470 Ryzen has been made for both gamers who want to play for fun and those that like to focus on competition; it provides an essential and straightforward platform for gaming quickly with AMD Ryzen. Enjoy the reliable design, as it has hardened circuits optimized for performance and MSI PCI Express Steel Slots that are secured to the Motherboard with extra solder points and reinforced to support the weight of a heavy graphics card.
This product has the latest iteration of MSI's Motherboard CPU power delivery system; its components are fixed on an optimized circuit design, resulting in a highly efficient power system capable of precise current output to the C...
2021 - 02 - 28 - t12:38:00 + 0
<![CDATA] Threadripper值得吗?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 我们有高端台式机或HEDT处理器已经有一段时间了,你知道,这些CPU位于食物链的最顶端,横跨在家庭PC和工作站之间,价格也很高。在很长一段时间里,英特尔凭借其极限版和X系列处理器主导了这一细分市场。但AMD随后进行了大规模反击。
This is the AMD Threadripper,  Look at the size of it, it's practically a coaster. You can put your drink on this thing and save your table. But other than leaving your neighbor's desktop with a feeling of inadequacy, is it right for you? And what should you know about it?
Let's start out by looking at something straightforward, core count. Although typical Ryzen desktop chips have between four and 16 cores, Threadriver CPUs start at eight cores and go all the way up to 64 cores, meaning that the chips are heavily marketed toward content creators who need fast rendering times. And they all have simultaneous...
2021 - 01 - 30 - t11:45:00 + 0
<!为什么只有两家CPU公司?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 当你有很多选择时,生活是美好的。我的意思是,当从高速公路出口下车,看到二十多家快餐店争相吸引你的注意时,谁没有在脑海中举办过小派对呢?但在CPU领域,情况并非如此,在台式机上,你基本上只有两种选择,AMD或英特尔。那么这是怎么发生的呢?
I mean, with as many computers as there are in the world, no other companies want a piece of the action? To understand why there are only two CPU options for your PC, we have to go back to the first PC, the original IBM personal computer from 1981. IBM chose the Intel 8088 CPU, to power the machine, which was based on the x86 instruction set. This ended up being an enormously consequential choice as the IBM PC exploded in popularity, and pushed lots of its competitors out of the market because it was a versatile, well-built computer, that offered great value for money, at the same time.
This meant that software developers wanted to write programs for the IBM PC...
2021 - 01 - 18 - t17:39:53 + 0
<!雷蛇2021年的游戏笔记本电脑——他们选择了AMD Ryzen吗?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT 雷蛇已经更新了他们的游戏笔记本电脑阵容,有一些令人印象深刻的硬件,但他们最终跳到了AMD?嗯,没有。但我将讨论原因,还有其他一些变化值得讨论。
Improvements to 15” base and advanced models
In terms of 15-inch gaming laptops, Razer still have their base model and higher tier advanced models, though with some welcome improvements. Both have been updated with Nvidia’s latest RTX 3000 series graphics.
The main changes in these laptops seems to be in the panels. The advanced model is available with a 240Hz 1440p screen, or a 360Hz 1080p screen. I’ve seen other companies at CES start taking advantage of that new 360Hz 1080p screen, but this is the first time I’ve seen a mention of a 240Hz 1440p, because up until now I’ve only heard of 165Hz 1440p panels.
The lower tier and cheaper base model on the other hand has 1080p 120Hz or 144Hz options, as well as that 1440p 165Hz option that I was just talking about. Razer are claiming...
2021 - 01 - 13 t17:32:00 + 0
<!这是AMD的秘密武器吗?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 您想买新的显卡吗?如果是这样的话,你可能已经看到了很多主要关注GPU本身的性能评估。但是显卡的显存常常是一个瓶颈。我说的不只是你有多少VRAM或者它有多快,而是你系统的其他部分与它通信的方式。
This is an issue that AMD has tried to resolve with a new feature called Smart Access Memory. And to find out more about it we spoke with Nish Neelalojanan, I'm so sorry, the product manager for AMDs new Radeon RX 6000 Series GPUs.
So the particular bottleneck AMD was hoping to address was the data link between the graphics card's video memory, and the systems CPU. The CPU needs to communicate regularly with the VRAM in order to ensure that the VRAM has the correct data for the GPU to act upon.
Historically, the CPU could only access 256 megabytes of VRAM at once. This limit was actually set long time ago, back when cards with one gigabyte or less of...
2021 - 01 - 06 - t10:20:35 + 0
<![CDATA[为什么你不能买RTX 3080]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 假期里我最喜欢的部分之一就是期待一些热门的新玩意。但对于今年的许多人来说,兴奋很快就变成了沮丧,因为高调的电子产品比《半条命3》更难找到。
The new RTX 3000 GPU series from Nvidia and the competing RX 6000 lineup from AMD are seeing severe stock shortages, as are the newest gen consoles, the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. Oh, and as if that weren't enough, AMD's new Zen 3 CPUs are proving to be just as elusive. And frankly, it couldn't come at a worst time, seeing as these products represent significant leaps forward in terms of price to performance. So why can no one seem to get their hands on one?
Let's start with the big annoying elephant in the room: scalper bots snapping up all the available stock. Despite efforts from some of the major online retailers to prevent bots from making purchases, stock drops of high demand products only lasted for a matter of seconds before the...
2020 - 12 - 23 - t08:25:00 + 0
<!Intel Xe vs AMD Vega -笔记本电脑iGPU游戏比较!]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT 英特尔最近推出了他们的第11代虎湖处理器,与他们的新Xe显卡配套。我想知道这是如何与Ryzen 4000 U系列处理器中的Radeon Vega图形进行比较的,所以我在这篇评论中比较了这两款游戏,以向你展示差异。
CPU spec differences
There are some fairly big differences  between these two chips outside of   the GPU component. The 4800U  is an 8 core 16 thread part,   while the 1165G7 is a 4 core 8 thread  part. Despite this, the Tiger Lake chip   can beat some older 6 core Intel designs  like the 8750H in multicore performance,   and the single core performance is on another  level compared to higher end H series Ryzen chips. Basically I’ve used these two to compare as  they’re higher end options from the lower   powered U series, so we should be looking at  close to best results from both Intel and AMD. It would have made more sense to  instead compare using Intel’s i7-1185G7,   as that’s...
2020 - 12 - 22 - t09:02:00 + 0
<!AMD Ryzen 5 5600X vs Ryzen 7 3700X - 6核还是8核?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT AMD最新的Ryzen 5 5600X是一款很棒的6核处理器,但它的3核数量更少,速度更快,能打败Ryzen 7 3700X的8核吗?
CPU spec differences
The key difference between these CPUs is of  course the core and the thread counts. Both   have 32mb of L3 cache, but the 3700X has a little  more L2 cache. The 5600X has higher base and boost   clock speeds, and both are 65 watt parts. The  3700X is currently just $25 more than the 5600X,   but I’ve seen the 3700x under $310, and the 5600X  currently has availability issues close to launch.
Test PC specs
Both processors were tested in  the same system. I’ve tested   with 32gb of DDR4-3200 memory  running in dual channel at CL14   and with MSI’s GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming X  Trio graphics card to minimize bottlenecks. Both processors come with an adequate  cooler in the box, but they’re different,   so I’ve tested with my Fractal S36 AIO with  Noctua NT-H2 thermal paste for comparable results.
I’ve tested both CPUs at sto...
2020 - 12 - 16 - t08:51:00 + 0
<![CDATA] RTX 3060 Ti vs RX 5700 XT - 400美元GPU比较!]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT 英伟达的新RTX 3060 Ti显卡和AMD的Radeon RX 5700 XT的价格一样,都是400美元,那么它们之间有什么区别呢?我比较了13款游戏在4K、1440p和1080p分辨率下的表现,以及内容制作者的工作负载,向你展示了它们之间的差异。
Spec Differences
Starting with the spec differences, both cards have 8 gig of GDDR6 memory at the same speeds. The 5700 XT is around 18 months older though, and it uses more power. Both have the same $400 MSRP, but based on what we’ve seen from the other Nvidia 3000 series GPUs, availability of the 3060 Ti could be small leading to higher prices closer to launch.
Test PC Setup
This is the system that I’m using to test out both graphics cards, so an overclocked i9-10900K at 5.2GHz with 32gb of DDR4-3200 CL14 memory in dual channel. We’ll first dig into the gaming results, then check out cost per frame, power draw, and content creator workloads afterwards.
Gaming benchmarks
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was tested with t...
2020 - 12 - 02 - t10:50:00 + 0
<![CDATA[5900X vs 5950X - AMD Ryzen 9 CPU比较]]> https://江南体育贴吧 JT 我比较了AMD在游戏和应用方面最好的两款Zen 3处理器,以帮助你决定选择哪一款。规格的主要差异在于核心和线程数,5950X有4个额外的核心。它也有更多的缓存和更高的最大加速时钟速度,所以除了核心差异之外,它真的只是一些小的变化。我比较这两款cpu是因为5950X是5900X之后的升级版,但5950X要多花250美元,或多花45%的钱,所以让我们看看它是否值得。
Test PC
Both processors were tested in the same system. I’m using the Asrock X570 Taichi motherboard with 32gb of DDR4-3200 CL14 memory in dual channel and MSI’s GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming X Trio to minimize GPU bottlenecks. Both processors were cooled with my Fractal S36 AIO using Noctua NT-H2 thermal paste, as neither come with a stock cooler. 
I’ve tested both CPUs at stock and manually overclocked. With both at 1.375 volts I was able to run the 5950X sta...
2020 - 11 - 27 t08:10:00 + 0
<![CDATA[2020年最佳和最差的Ryzen游戏笔记本电脑]]> https://江南体育贴吧 JT 今年我已经测试了11款Ryzen游戏笔记本电脑,现在是时候对它们进行比较,并将赢家和输家分开,以帮助你决定哪些值得你的钱。
Ryzen 2020 recap
It was only earlier this year when AMD first  announced their Ryzen 4000 series processors   for laptops, which offered a serious step  up over the 3000 series they had previously,   making them much more  competitive in the laptop space. These new processors put 8 cores into  laptops below the $1000 price point for   the first time pretty much ever, as Intel’s  8 core options are all much more expensive.
While in general Intel is a little ahead  in terms of gaming, the differences were often   comparable with not that big of a practical  difference, and for multicore work on the   other hand, the AMD options were typically the  winners while coming in at a lower price point. The result has been well priced laptops  with a lot of performance on offer,   but the benefits of Ryzen can only tak...
2020 - 11 - 24 t08:05:00 + 0
<!Radeon RX 6800 XT vs Nvidia RTX 3080 - AMD高端市场竞争激烈?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT AMD表示,他们的新Radeon RX 6800 XT显卡与Nvidia RTX 3080竞争,价格更低。我将通过比较14款游戏的4K、1440p和1080p分辨率以及内容创造者的工作负载来验证这一说法,看看它们之间有什么不同。
Spec Differences
Let’s start with the spec differences, I think the  main thing to note is that the 6800 XT has 16gb of   memory, more than the 10 in the 3080, though the  3080’s memory is faster. The 6800 XT costs $50   less than the 3080 though, but it will also  be interesting to see if they will have   issues keeping it in stock like Nvidia has had.
Test PC Setup
This is the system that I’m using to test out  both graphics cards, it’s got an overclocked   i9-10900K at 5.2GHz with 32gb of DDR4-3200 CL14  memory in dual channel. This should keep things   fair for each GPU, however Radeon 6000 series  GPUs can get a boost with an AMD processor,   but that’s a topic for another time.  We’ll first dig into the ga...
2020 - 11 - 18岁t12:10:00 + 0
<!AMD Ryzen 5 5600X vs 3600 CPU的比较——值得升级吗?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT AMD的新锐龙5 5600X是一款出色的处理器,但与上一代的3600相比如何,它是否值得升级?我比较了游戏和应用程序,以帮助你做出决定。
CPU spec differences
Both processors have the same amount of cores,  threads, cache and TDP. The main difference is   of course that the 5600X uses the newer Zen  3 architecture, and this allows it to reach   higher base and boost clock speeds, however this  puts it at $100 more expensive than the 3600.
You could argue that the 3600X would have made  for a better comparison, but based on my 3600 vs   3600X comparison, they’re basically the same and  it generally wasn’t worth paying more for the X.  
Unfortunately there’s no 5600 non X at the time of  launch, but if I had to guess, this will probably   come later, so for now I think comparing  the 3600 against the 5600X is the way to go.
Test PC
Both processors were tested in the same  system. I’ve tested with 32gb of DDR4-3200  ...
2020 - 11 - 13 - t08:06:00 + 0
<!AMD Ryzen 7 5800X vs Intel i7-10700K -最好的8核CPU?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT I’ve compared the Ryzen 7  5800X against Intel’s i7-10700K   processor in games and applications  to help you decide which to pick
CPU spec differences
Both processors have 8 cores and 16 threads.  The 10700K can reach higher clock speeds,   but the 5800X has double the cache.  The 5800X also costs more money,   so let’s dive in and find out  if it’s worth paying more for.
Test PC
Both processors were tested in the same  system, but I’ve had to change motherboards.   For the 10700K I’m testing with  the MSI Z490 ACE motherboard,   and for the 5800X I’m using  the ASRock X570 Taichi. The rest of the components  were otherwise the same,   I’ve tested with 32gb of DDR4-3200 memory  running in dual channel at CL14 and with   MSI’s GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming X Trio  graphics card to minimize bottlenecks. Neither processor comes with a cooler,   so I’ve used my Fractal S36 AIO with Noctua  NT-H2 thermal paste for comparable results.
I’ve tested both CPUs at stock, and with the ...
2020 - 11 - 07 - t08:21:00 + 0
<![CDATA[AMD击败英特尔- Zen 3]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson “禅”这个词让人联想到和谐与宁静,但AMD基于zen 3的新处理器将真正撼动CPU空间,一点也不平静。
A little under four years ago, the first Zen generation was big news because it offered good price to performance and was a very compelling value for those needing a lot of computing course. But the biggest headline, of course, was that AMD chips no longer absolutely sucked compared to their Intel counterparts.
This time around, AMD hasn't just made something decent. It looks like they have snatched the single threaded performance crown away from Intel, which has alluded them for over a decade. So what is it about Zen 3 that's allowed team red to pull ahead?
Zen 3 is actually based on the same seven nanometer process as Zen 2, meaning that this isn't a generational improvement that comes from just cramming more transistors onto a chip. Instead, AMD made a few key improvements to the architecture with branch prediction b...
2020 - 11 - 06 - t16:25:00 + 0
<!AMD Ryzen 5 5600X vs Intel i5-10600K -最佳6核CPU?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 JT 既然AMD的Ryzen 5 5600X已经上市,英特尔的i5-10600K CPU还值得购买吗?我比较了游戏和应用的不同之处。两个处理器都有6核和12线程。
CPU spec differences
The 10600K can reach higher clock speeds,   but the 5600X has more cache. The 5600X costs $25  more, but it also comes with a cooler in the box.
Test PC
Both processors were tested in the same  system, but I’ve had to change motherboards.   For the 10600K I’m testing with  the MSI Z490 ACE motherboard,   and for the 5600X I’m using  the ASRock X570 Taichi. The rest of the components  were otherwise the same,   I’ve tested with 32gb of DDR4-3200  memory running in dual channel at CL14   and with MSI’s GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming X  Trio graphics card to minimize bottlenecks.
Although the 5600X does come with a cooler,   I’ve used my Fractal S36 with Noctua NT-H2  thermal paste on both for comparable results.
I’ve tested both CPUs at stock, and with t...
2020 - 11 - 06 - t08:32:00 + 0
<![CDATA[新王者——AMD Ryzen 9 5900X vs Intel i9-10900K] https://江南体育贴吧 JT AMD Ryzen 9 5900X vs Intel i9-10900KAMD最终与Intel的i9-10900K竞争。他们的新Ryzen 9 5900X在相同的价格点,所以让我们在游戏和应用程序中比较它们,以帮助你决定买哪一款。
Spec differences
The new 5900X has more cores and more cache, though the 10900K has higher boost clock speeds. Both are $550 USD, the 10900K is meant to be less, but this is what it’s currently sold for on Newegg.
Test PC details
Both processors were tested in the same system, but I’ve had to change motherboards. For the Intel i9-10900K I’m testing with the MSI Z490 ACE motherboard, and for the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X I’m using the ASRock X570 Taichi.
The rest of the components were otherwise the same, I’ve tested with 32gb of DDR4-3200 memory running in dual channel at CL14 and with MSI’s GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming X Trio graphics card to minimize bottlenecks. Neither processor comes with a cooler, so I’ve used the same Fractal S36 AIO wit...
2020 - 11 - 05 - t13:03:00 + 0
<![CDATA] Radeon 6000系列。Rip RTX 3090?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson RDNA 2已经有传言了,这是推测,见鬼,我甚至在Xbox上玩了新架构,但现在我们终于得到了PC外接卡的细节,我们知道的第一件事是AMD正在使用与他们之前的Radeon 5000系列卡相同的7纳米工艺。
Given that NVIDIA had a performance lead before they moved to their new eight-nanometer node with Ampere, and considering the performance they gained by doing so, AMD staying on their old process might not sound like it bodes well for the new cards. But they claim that, compared to the Radeon 5000 series, they've pulled off up to 200% better performance and 50% better performance per watt, which mostly just means that the power draw is the same. But still, considering that the higher-end RTX 3000 series from NVIDIA is chugging down power like it's trying to drain a lake, not too shabby.
How'd they accomplish all that? Well, unfortunately, AMD didn't go into much depth, but they did say that they...
2020 - 10 - 31 - t15:17:00 + 0
<![CDATA] AMD反击!- Radeon RX 6000]]> https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 英伟达(NVIDIA)可能已经大肆宣传了其新的安培(Ampere) GPU系列,但你不会指望AMD会坐视不管,对吧?丽萨·许医生可不是这样的人。红色团队已经反击了它的RDNA2架构的PC,将于11月中旬推出。那么,让我们来看看会发生什么。
First off, let's talk about performance. AMD is initially releasing three cards, each of which is expected to compete with an equivalent RTX 3000 series model. At the top end is the $1,000 RX 6900 XT. And it's supposed to deliver RTX 3090-level performance but using significantly less power. And seeing as Ampere cards are notoriously power hungry, it could be an interesting option for enthusiasts that don't want to spend even more money upgrading their power supplies.
Next up is the RX 6800 XT, not to be confused with the 2005 vintage NVIDIA card of the same name. That's right, we're looping back on GPU names now. This card is going to go for 649, a little less than its direct com...
2020 - 10 - 31 - t07:31:44 + 0