https://江南体育贴吧 <![CDATA[technews | 江南体育贴吧TechPlanet]]> . 2023 - 03 - 14 - t17:13:07 + 0 <![CDATA[多伦多主动IT支持与被动IT支持的比较]]> https://江南体育贴吧 恩佐Logozzo 最近的一项研究表明,平均每个员工每天花22分钟处理IT问题,这就是为什么组织需要了解主动的多伦多IT支持而不是被动的IT支持。
The 22 minutes daily is equivalent to more than two weeks of lost productivity for every employee over the course of a year. By not providing proactive tech support to 15 employees earning an average of $25 per hour, it will cost your business over $3,100 in productivity each month. Managed IT Services can help reduce these costs.
In today’s business environment, businesses are extremely fast-paced, and even the slightest Tech Support Services issue can result in a loss of revenue and even a data breach. It is important to note that even the smallest of errors, such as faulty printers or misconfigured networks, can result in disgruntled customers and employees.
To receive the proper proactive technical support services, your choice of IT Support Services...
2023 - 03 - 14 - t17:13:07 + 0
<![CDATA[最佳开发人员工作和编程语言]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 弗莱彻 网站后端的开发是网站开发中最重要和最基本的方面之一。江南娱乐app官方入口苹果手机这是一个非常重要的组成部分,你的网站的整体运作,并提供一个目的。江南娱乐app官方入口苹果手机
Therefore, if you want to develop a web application that is significant and helpful, it is essential to educate yourself on the various characteristics of backroom web development.
This document was written to provide answers to the following inquiries in an effort to make things simpler for you
What does "backend programming" actually entail?
What exactly is the distinction between developing on the backend and the frontend?
And what are some of the most common languages used for software development?
Therefore, you should keep perusing the article in order to solidify your comprehension of the software.
What exactly is meant by "Backend Development"?Before diving headfirst into the process of describing the backbone of the web development. To begin, it i...
2023 - 03 - 02 - t11:36:01 + 0
<![CDATA [MEARTH网络。未来的滑板车,今日揭晓]]> https://江南体育贴吧 Jefrey @Mearth 聪明,反应灵敏,能力强。真正的先进。
MEARTH CYBER. Ready, willing and very capable to provide riders the best riding experience at any given scenario or situation.
Stop being tame. Time to take calculated risks and enjoy every ride. 
For sure, MEARTH CYBER will push your horizons over-the-top.
Prepare to be breathless. The dynamo work of genius takes centerstage. 
Incredible. Stunningly amazing. Beyond impressive. It’s astounding!
Never before and never will there be anything like the MEARTH CYBER to marvel everyone. 
An inconceivable dream-come-true that pushes the limits where you can be dauntless, even more venturesome.  
Futuristic. CYBER advanced programming is ingeniously built into this dynamic personal mobility device.
Very Powerful. CYBER stands tall above the rest. Unparalleled in every way. From speed to reach and range and slope -- nothing compares. 
Intelligent. CYBER is like having an A.I. that’s ready to...
2023 - 02 - 03 - t01:42:51 + 0
<![CDATA[RedHealth®Wear -为什么睡眠需要能量?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 科技星球作者 你可能知道充足高质量的睡眠有助于增加你的能量,但你知道你需要能量来获得高质量的睡眠吗?
When you get a full night's sleep, but don't wake up feeling rested or refreshed it's likely because your energy system isn't optimized to maintain sleep cycles.
Despite the fact that you are resting, your body still consumes energy when you sleep. Energy use is particularly high during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. You spend the most energy during REM sleep because it's when heart rate, breathing, body temperature, and brain activity increase.
During deep sleep, your body cells are restored and tissue is repaired, as human growth hormone is released. BUT in order for this to happen, your body needs the energy to support these activities.

So what are the components for boosting your energy system so your body has the energy it needs for restorative sleep?
Here are some primary ones:

Stress & anxiety release
Regulated nervo...
2023 - 01 - 25 - t02:39:03 + 0
<![CDATA[多伦多小型企业网络安全建议]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 恩佐Logozzo 许多人认为勒索软件只影响大公司,但多伦多小企业的网络安全提示将涵盖这些关键步骤。
According to a recent survey, over 20 percent of small businesses have been attacked. Out of the 20 percent, almost 50 percent of the small businesses said they had implemented defenses against cyberattacks and ransomware.
Full Story -
365 iT SOLUTIONS  is an award-winning managed IT services provider in Toronto that is CyberSecure Canada certified.
When working with a Toronto managed IT services provider, they will be able to proactively address all the cyber security tips listed above.
Our award winning IT Outsourcing Toronto comes complete with Managed IT Services, IT Outsourcing Services, Managed Security Services, Tech Support Services, Cyber Security Training, Dark Web Monitoring, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR), IT Support Services, and ...
2023 - 01 - 24 - t21:24:59 + 0
<![CDATA[如何使用国际银行电汇和借记卡购买比特币]]> https://江南体育贴吧 科技星球作者
Among several different payment options, such as e-wallets, credit or debit cards, and cryptocurrencies, SpectroCoin offers a wide selection of bank transfers. While SEPA transfers are designed for payments among EEA countries, the International bank wire option allows sending and receiving GBP or USD to and from banks around the globe.

What international bank transfers are offered at SpectroCoin? 
International bank wire at SpectroCoin is offered in GBP transfers via the CHAPS network. The system includes many international and custody banks and is accessible through correspondent banks for many financial institutions. You can find the list of CHAPS participants here.
While, USD transfers are processed through the GK Bank, a private American bank dedicated to providing global digital banking services distributed and managed by web channels and mobile devices.
How to buy Bitcoin with International Bank Wire at SpectroCoin?
Step 1. Log in. Log in to your SpectroCoin acc...
2023 - 01 - 18 - t01:35:02 + 0
<![CDATA[你能协商勒索软件吗]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 恩佐Logozzo 如果你的企业经历过勒索软件,你能与网络罪犯谈判勒索软件吗?
Blog Note: The content of this post is strictly for information purposes, and we highly recommend you seek professional advice when dealing with ransomware. It can be easy to panic in the face of a ransomware attack, but it is vital to remain calm and focused to make the best decisions for your organization.
Steps To Take After a Ransomware Attack
The ransomware affected devices should be disconnected from the network as soon as possible. This should be done by your Managed IT Services provider or IT department immediately.  By doing this, you can prevent ransomware from spreading to other computers or devices.
Assess The Ransomware Damage
Understanding how ransomware operates and how to remove it requires understanding the specific type of ransomware virus that has infected your devices. By working with your Tech Support Services, Managed Security Services, or IT department.
2023 - 01 - 16 t18:46:19 + 0
<![CDATA[什么是员工网络安全培训]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 恩佐Logozzo 黑客和网络犯罪分子正在攻击多伦多的企业,这使得企业询问员工的网络安全培训是什么?
The digital landscape is becoming a important part of our daily personal and professional lives. During the past few years, business operations have become increasingly dependent on technology, and employees are expected to use this technology in a safe manner. There is no doubt that the use of mobile and remote work has been useful and necessary. However, it also allows cybercriminals and hackers to take advantage of minimal cyber security measures and cyber security best practices.
The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, since some or all a company’s business is conducted digitally, making it no less important than physical security. Listed below are a few of the most pressing reasons on what is cybersecurity training for employees including the importance of proactive cybersecurity training. If you are working with a Managed IT Services Toron...
2023 - 01 - 06 - t20:43:34 + 0
<![CDATA[回应小米和三星:华为改变智能手机战略] https://江南体育贴吧 亚历克斯 华为面临着越来越多的障碍。尽管如此,这家中国公司希望继续在智能手机市场上发展,据说甚至已经改变了自己发布新机型的策略。这将使小米和三星之间的竞争更加激烈。
Huawei P60 and Mate 60 as early as in March?
Huawei actually follows a similar smartphone strategy as Xiaomi and Samsung. It brings new top phones to Europe in the first and second half of the year. Exactly this strategy is supposed to be changed, according to the latest information. Instead of a P-series smartphone in the first six months of the year and a Mate-series smartphone in the second half of the year, everything is now to be unveiled in March 2023. There is supposed to be both the Huawei P60 and the Huawei Mate 60 at the same time-.
Samsung will present and launch its new Galaxy S23 smartphones around that time. It will be similar for Xiaomi. The Xiaomi 13 and Xiaomi 13 Pro have already been unveiled in China a...
2022 - 12 - 15 - t10:50:52 + 0
<!三星Galaxy S23 Ultra - Yes![]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 尽管Galaxy S23 Ultra在设计上没有重大变化,但在底层会有相当大的改进。
One of those areas is the camera. As you already know there will be a 200MP main camera this time and judging from the leaked camera samples, it offers a pretty substantial improvement and is certainly not a gimmick. But the main camera is not the only thing getting an improvement, the night photography is also seeing the biggest upgrade we've seen in recent times. And today Ice Universe mentions that with the latest firmware update the night photography of the S23 Ultra has seen some fantastic improvements.

The S23 Ultra's night shots with the latest firmware show some fantastic improvements you can expect from the S23 Ultra.
— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) December 5, 2022
Any camera can take good photos with good lighting, but only a good camera can take good photos at night.
Although on phones, the night photos depend more on software post-processing...
2022 - 12 - 10 - t11:28:00 + 0
<![CDATA[网络安全正在失败,黑客正在获胜]]> https://江南体育贴吧 恩佐Logozzo 问任何一个网络安全专业人士或管理IT服务提供商,他们都会告诉你,网络安全正在失败,黑客正在赢得对企业的攻击。
There has been a massive exponential growth in the cybersecurity industry over the last 20 years since the turn of the century. It has been predicted that the value of cybersecurity will nearly double again soon, according to well-known cybersecurity experts and cyber security companies. There is no question that technology, IT infrastructure, and cloud services are less secure than they have ever been resulting in a higher rate of cyberattacks from hackers and cyber criminals.
The number of hacks that occur on a regular basis has gone up alarmingly in the last few years based on managed IT services providers.  This ranges in size and scope from ransomware attacks carried out by novice cybercriminals to sophisticated cyber security breaches perpetrated by state-sponsored hackers in China, Russia, and the...
2022 - 11 - 29 t18:45:10 + 0
<![CDATA[Cyber Monday at Ride Hub Australia]]> https://江南体育贴吧 Jefrey @Mearth 可以肯定地说,与其他可怕的星期一相比,网络星期一是一年中最快乐的星期一!
In fact, Cyber Monday is one of the most awaited days annually. If you didn’t already know, this is an e-commerce term referring to the Monday following the U.S. Thanksgiving weekend where stores offer a markdown madness, exclusive bargains, special promotions, discounts, and sales on this day.

This 2022, Cyber Monday is celebrated on November 28 and it is absolutely true that it is the best day to shop for tech and gadget deals, including electric scooters!

While Cyber Monday generally happens only one day a year, Ride Hub Australia, Home of Electric Beasts (E-Rides) is extending its Cyber Monday celebration to a total of FOUR glorious days: November 27-30. That’s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!

So what will be on sale at Ride Hub Australia? 

Mearth, the pioneer in Australian electric scooters, is partnering with Ride Hub Australia for Cyber M...
2022 - 11 - 28 - t01:43:58 + 0
<![CDATA[在生动的色彩上喷涂你的地球电动滑板车]]> https://江南体育贴吧 Jefrey @Mearth 嘿!为什么不停下来一秒钟,想象一下你的世界被喷上了令人惊叹的色彩?哦,是的,这很有可能,因为澳大利亚领先的、广受欢迎的电动滑板车品牌earth刚刚与Spray.Bike展开了充满活力的合作。
Mearth E-scooters, in collaboration with Spray.Bike will be giving away the FIRST EVER custom-painted electric scooter! Something like this has never happened before, and this could be your chance to get your own super cool, limited edition Mearth x Spray.Bike Custom E-scooter! 

Spray.Bike’s groundbreaking range of bicycle-specific color coating is designed for both amateur and professionals. Spray.Bike lets all Mearth e-scooter owners get this opportunity to dash in and dash over there exhilarating sprays of long-lasting colors. No more drab days! Repair, restore, refresh – and customize your ride with Spray.Bike paints. Create a fashion statement. Be inspired and be daring as you choose your color and that’s just as individual as y...
2022 - 11 - 15 - t04:47:22 + 0
<!三星Galaxy Z Fold 5 - YES!他们终于做到了。][> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 三星Galaxy Note手机是每年最受欢迎、功能最强大的安卓设备之一。三星可能已经结束了Note品牌,但Galaxy S22 Ultra的产品线仍然存在。
As we are waiting for its successor the Galaxy S23 Ultra scheduled to be launched in February, we have important news that might change the way you use Samsung's foldables, especially the Galaxy Z Fold 5.
You see, even though the S series is now taking the legacy of the Note forward, but everyone knows that the Galaxy Z Fold series is better poised to push the ideals of the Galaxy Note further. And the reason is pretty simple. The larger screen surface area in the Z Fold phones provides a much better S Pen experience than the small screen on the candybar S series handsets.
Samsung knew this, and that's the reason they added the S Pen support to the Galaxy Z Fold lineup with the Z Fold 3 last year. But there was a big problem. The company didn't provide an integrated S Pen slot on the device. The resu...
2022 - 11 - 07 - t21:29:00 + 0
<!如何把Siri的音量调大?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 Naveed拉吉 Siri是一个语音操作助手,它可以回答你的许多问题,有很多实际用途。你可能不知道你还可以把Siri的音量调大。如果你听Siri的声音有困难,或者其他人听你说话有困难,也许是时候看看这篇文章,看看如何把Siri的音量调大!
You can also check the best smartphones under 500 dollars.
7 Tips for Turning up the Volume on Siri

Apple's Siri is an intelligent personal assistant voice system which offers the user a virtual assistant to answer specific questions and perform certain tasks. Siri was first introduced in iOS 10, with limited functionality, but its capabilities were expanded in subsequent updates. With several iterations of her software, Siri has learned to do more things, like open apps and access third-party services.
One of the most common ways to use Siri is to turn the volume up or down on your device. If you want to increase the volume, you can say “turn...
2022 - 11 - 06 - t18:47:16 + 0
<![CDATA[iPhone 15 Ultra -追随三星的脚步]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 因此,字典对“Ultra”一词的定义是:“超出普通、适当或适度的程度”。基本上,Ultra是我们用来过分强调某事的一个词:超快、超强大、超大。三星是在科技界普及这个词的公司。当然,他们不是第一个提出这个名字的人。实际上,索尼早在十年前就发布了一款名为Xperia Z Ultra的手机。但三星让科技界认识到,他们的Ultra手机把所有规格都做到了极致,这个最大,那个最快。
And now, Apple is following in Samsung's footsteps  and has decided to come up with an Ultra phone of   their own, the iPhone 15 Ultra. That's according  to both Mark Gurman and Ming-Chi Kuo, two of the   most reputable analysts out there.
By the way,  Apple has been flirting with the Ultra branding   for quite some time now. Besides the Apple  Watch Ultra, there is also a proc...
2022 - 10 - 25 - t19:58:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy S23 Ultra - A New RECORD]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 在购买新手机时,你会考虑哪些典型的参数?是价格、显示屏尺寸、分辨率、电池寿命、耐用性、摄像头还是操作系统?然而,你知道吗,当谈到驱动最佳性能时,有三个参数实际上很重要。处理器、存储类型和RAM。
The Galaxy S23 Ultra will have the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset which will bring significant upgrades in performance and efficiency compared to the S22 Ultra. The S23 Ultra will also have UFS 4.0 storage that is not only twice as fast as the one on its predecessor but it's also 45% more efficient.
Now, the Galaxy S23 Ultra is also reported to have the world's fastest RAM on any mobile phone, the LPDDR5X bringing a complete upgrade in all three important parameters when it comes to driving optimum performance on a mobile phone.
Samsung says that the new memory reaches 8.5 Gbps speeds, which is the industry’s fastest speed for DRAM. The S22 Ultr...
2022 - 10 - 20 - t15:46:00 + 0
<!三星Galaxy S23 Ultra -哇,快看!]] > https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 尽管距离三星下一次Galaxy S23 Ultra的unpack发布会至少还有3个月的时间,但关于这款手机的新信息仍在网上不断浮出水面。今天,这款手机已经出现在Geekbench上,这里有很多好东西。让我解释一下。
First off, as you already know all the Galaxy S23 variants around the world will get only one variant this time and that's the Snapdragon variant, with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset to be specific. And the Galaxy S23 with the same chipset was spotted on Geekbench 5 and the performance gains we're seeing here are huge compared to the S22 Ultra. As you can see, the scores are 1500 for single core and 4600 for multicore.
Now to give you some context, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 on the S22 Ultra has 1200 single-core and 3200 multicore scores so this is a significant year-over-year upgrade we've seen in recent years.
But that's not all...You see the prime core of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is clocked at 3.36GHz. However, the...
2022 - 10 - 18岁t18:11:00 + 0
<![CDATA[谷歌Pixel 7 Pro - TOP 5新功能] https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 谷歌终于正式发布了Pixel 7 Pro。在硬件上有一些调整和更新,但大多数情况下,Pixel 7 Pro都是关于软件的。那么让我们来看看这款手机的前5大特点吧。
 Pixel 7 Pro can unblur all your old pictures
Last year, Google introduced Face Unblur which as the name suggests can automatically sharpen blurry faces on human subjects. Basically, the phone can capture two photos at the same time: a long exposure from the primary camera, and a shorter one from the ultrawide. And if it detects that you have taken a photo with a blurry face, it just uses the face from the shorter exposure taken by the ultrawide sensor into the rest of the photo that was taken by the primary sensor.
Now Google is taking this photo unblur thing to a new level. Instead of just deblurring the face, it can now fix the whole image. And most importantly, with the Pixel 7 Pro, you can now deblur the photos you’d taken in the past. All you need to do is use...
2022年10月- 07 - t19:11:00 + 0
<![CDATA[iPhone 14 Pro -这将是奇怪的]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 我们距离苹果公司iPhone 14的主题演讲不到一周了。与此同时,我们的印象是苹果最终将从缺口转向i型切口。事实证明,这不是真的。一份新的报告提出了不同的观点。
Instead of the two cutouts, Apple will use software to essentially black out the area between the two cutouts to make it look like one seamless cutout.
This report was originated from Macrumors, and then confirmed by 9to5Mac's sources and then finally Mark Gurman from Bloomberg also confirmed that this is indeed the case.
The pill and hole-shaped cutouts in the iPhone 14 Pro variants will be bridged by software. Well, the area between the cutouts will not be totally useless.
Apple will use the space for displaying their privacy indicators if an app is accessing the camera or microphone or both. Right now, Apple places the red and green dot at the upper corner of the display but now it will appear in between the cutouts.
If you ask m...
2022 - 09 - 01 - t14:51:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy S23 Ultra - Yes, It's CONFIRMED]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 现在距离三星推出新款折叠式手机的unpack发布会只有不到几周的时间了。尽管距离Galaxy S23 Ultra正式发布还有6个月的时间,但它仍在继续抢镜。
A few days ago, there was a report from Ming-Chi Kuo a famous Apple analyst that for the Galaxy S23 Samsung has decided to skip the Exynos chipset and instead will go all in with Snapdragon SoCs. But you see, even though the news was coming from a reputed analyst, it was still a rumor and the thing with rumors is that they're not set in stones.
But that will no longer be the case because Qualcomm has officially confirmed that Samsung will use the Snapdragon chip worldwide for the Galaxy S23 lineup.
Qualcomm and Samsung have signed a new deal extending their partnership to 2030. And as per the deal, Snapdragon chipsets will now be used in far more Samsung products than ever before including laptops, tablets, wearables, an...
2022 - 07 - 29 t10:04:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy Z Fold 4 -未包装官方预告片]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 终于正式宣布了。三星今天发出了下一次unpack活动的邀请,该活动将于8月10日正式举行,同样会在YouTube上直播,而且不会有现场直播。以下是不同地区的活动时间,这里是活动的官方预告片,展示了Galaxy Z Flip 4和宣传语展开你的世界。
Samsung chose the Z Flip as the face of the event rather than the more expensive Fold which is interesting, to say the least. Anyway, if you are planning to buy either of the devices then I have some good news for you. Samsung has already started offering great deals on its upcoming devices. To be clear, Samsung is launching the Galaxy Z Fold 4, Z Flip 4, Watch 5 and 5 Pro, and Galaxy Buds 2 Pro at the event, and if you pre-reserve either of these devices then you're going to get some credit.
To be specific you'll get $100 if you pre-reserve either the Z Fold 4 or Flip 4, $50 for the Watch 5, and $30 fo...
2022 - 07 - 20 - t18:08:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy Z Fold 4 - FIRST LOOK] https://江南体育贴吧 凯利 Galaxy Z Fold 4和Flip 4将在不到一个月的时间内推出。与去年和前一年不同的是,街上的消息是,这次的unpack活动可能会在纽约举行。随着发布会的临近,更多关于Z Fold 4和Flip 4的细节开始浮出水面。我们有三个新的消息要讨论,首先是一些官方泄露的消息。
First, we have the  official look at the Galaxy Z Flip 4. It gives   a side profile of the phone in the “Bora Purple”  colorway and honestly, it doesn't reveal anything   new as we've already exclusively revealed  the first ever hands-on images of the phone   a few weeks ago. But still, you can see a  more squared-off design, a slimmer hinge,   and cameras that look much more pronounced.
Now, we don't have the official look at the   Z Fold 4 but interestingly, Ice Universe posted  this image on Twitter yesterday and deleted it   just a couple of minutes later. Now, he didn't  mention...
2022 - 07 - 18 - t15:28:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy Z Fold 4 -独家]]> https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 如果你认为你知道关于Galaxy Z Fold 4的一切,那么请耐心等待,我对Z Fold 4的一些了解完全与业内最大的泄密者相矛盾。你看,我们一直听说Z Fold 4将会有一些设计上的变化。
Notably, it will be a little wider than its predecessor, the bezels are going to be a little thinner, the skinnier hinge as well and overall it's going to be a lighter phone which I can confirm is totally true. But there's one area of the phone where the leaks have gotten it totally wrong, and it's the camera. You see Onleaks shared this render of the Z Fold 4 a few weeks ago where he showed that the phone's camera design will be inspired by the S22 Ultra meaning it will ditch the camera bump altogether, and instead will opt for a flat back with each of its lenses protruding from the back of the phone similar to the S22 Ultra. But that is not going to happen. I have exclusive information that the Galaxy Z Fold 4 will have...
2022 - 07年- 07 - t11:34:00 + 0
<![CDATA[小米对三星的回答]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson Galaxy S22 Ultra被广泛认为拥有目前世界上最好的摄像头设置,优于iphone和pixel。但在索尼(Sony)和徕卡(Leica)这两家知名相机厂商的帮助下,有一个新人想从S22 Ultra手中夺取桂冠。我说的是小米12S Ultra。该公司今天在中国发布了这款手机,这款手机拥有当今智能手机中最大的图像传感器和最大的单个像素。
Just in case you don't know, a bigger sensor size  has a cleaner look compared to a smaller sensor.   It's the first and most vital thing you would  like to think about in a camera that will have   the most powerful impact on your images  and video. So bigger the better here.   Similarly, larger pixels produce greater  light sensitivity which means they will   perform better in low light conditions, it will  have less noise and better dynamic range.  
The Xi...
2022 - 07 - 04 - t17:43:00 + 0
<!没有电话1 -就是这里!]] > https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 phone1将于7月12日发布,所以离发布会还有不到10天的时间,但正如预期的那样,关于这款手机的细节仍在网上不断出现。Nothing Phone 1无意中出现在亚马逊上,透露了这款手机的所有信息,包括价格。老实说,这不是一个意外,这是一个公关行动,为手机制造更多的宣传。
We also have the first look at the official case for the phone, and no surprises here. It's a transparent TPU case that doesn't hide the main USP of the handset. So moving on to other interesting bits and that's the price. The Nothing Phone 1 is a mid-range handset with some flagship bits and pieces such as this glyph interface at the back and a uniform bezel look at the front. But what makes it a midrange handset is its chipset and the cameras. So the success of this handset depends a lot on how Nothing decides to price it and Amazon Germany listing shows that the phone will be available in two c...
2022 - 07 - 03 - t08:46:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星对Galaxy Note的判断是正确的]]> https://江南体育贴吧 雅各Enderson 11年前的2011年,史蒂夫·乔布斯宣称3.5英寸的屏幕是智能手机屏幕的“正确”尺寸。事实上,他还说没人会买屏幕更大的手机。就在几个月后,三星推出了5.3英寸显示屏的Galaxy Note,这在当时被认为是巨大的,因为大多数手机都在4英寸左右。更有趣的是,三星还推出了触控笔,这是史蒂夫·乔布斯本人在2007年抛弃的东西。
Basically, the Galaxy Note did everything against Steve Jobs' idea of a smartphone at the time. And went on to become a massive success and ended up selling over 10 million units in just a short few months. And this is despite the mainstream media making fun of its size. The phone was the first widely successful phablet and inspired practically every smartphone maker to push toward larger displays, including Apple.
Fast-forward to 2021, Samsung decided to end this iconic...
2022 - 06 - 28 - t16:53:00 + 0
<!手机1 -这太奇怪了!]] > https://江南体育贴吧 凯利 现在有一些关于一无所有的新手机叫做一无所有手机1的炒作,类似于过去对一加手机的炒作。现在,当一加手机发布时,我们并没有看到很多人感到兴奋,这主要是因为一加无视其核心用户,以吸引更多的主流消费者,而这显然对他们来说并不是很好。Carl Pei是一加成功背后的策划者,现在他成功地让人们比以往任何一加手机都更兴奋,他的新公司的第一款手机,Nothing phone 1。
Even though the launch date   of this phone is July 12th, the phone has been  entirely revealed by the company. A couple of days   ago we saw the back of the phone and honestly, it  was quite impressive what they came up with.
Now,   I saw a lot of you were saying that what's  the use of all this fancy stuff when 90%   of users are going to put on a case anyway,  which...
2022 - 06 - 24 - t18:40:00 + 0
<![CDATA[谷歌Pixel 7 Pro - Dear谷歌]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 窝W。 谷歌已经公布了Pixel 7系列的第一个外观。我们还看到了手机的实际图片,其中透露了手机的完整设计和一些规格。但看起来谷歌在10月发布的不止Pixel 7和7 Pro两款手机,谷歌可能还会推出另一款Pixel智能手机,那可能是期待已久的Pixel 7 Ultra。
You see, 9to5Google has discovered some code-names for the upcoming products with display specifications. The list includes a total of 5 products and out of the five, one product code-named G10 has fueled speculation that Google has another member of the Pixel 7 family up its sleeve.
The coding says the G10's screen would have a resolution of 3120 x 1440 with a 120Hz refresh rate same as the Pixel 7 Pro, but the measurement says it's a little bigger than the 7 Pro. The Pixel 7 Pro will have a 6.7" display, so we're looking at nearly a 6.8" display for this alleged Pixel 7 Ultra.
Unfortunately, we don't hav...
2022 - 06 - 23 - t11:56:00 + 0
<![CDATA[三星Galaxy Z Fold 4 -第一次真正看到折痕]]> https://江南体育贴吧 凯利 三星的Galaxy Z Fold系列在问世的几年里取得了长足的进步。它们与普通的“玻璃三明治”智能手机有一种实实在在的新奇之处。但这并不意味着它们是完美的,它们仍然面临两个重要问题:其中一个是可怕的折痕。尽管自2019年三星推出折叠式手机以来,折叠式手机的性能有所改善,但就折痕而言,三星仍远远落后于竞争对手。
But things are changing with the Galaxy Z Fold 4,  rumors have been saying the Z Fold4 will have the   least noticeable crease we've seen on a Samsung  foldable phone. And we have a real-life picture   to suggest that it was indeed true. Ice Universe has posted the image of the   crease of the Z Fold 4 next to the Z Fold 3, and it  shows the Z Fold 4 has a less pronounced crease.  
Although it's not as good as the one on the  Oppo Find N, it is a sig...
2022 - 06 - 21 - t08:35:00 + 0