https://江南体育贴吧 <![CDATA[Brown Wolf | 江南体育贴吧TechPlanet]]> . 2023 - 01 - 23 - t13:50:19 + 0 <![CDATA[江南足球体育官网ChatGPT:语言理解的未来]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 江南足球体育官网ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的一种前沿语言模型,能够生成具有高度连贯性和流畅性的类人文本。这个模型是在大量数据上进行训练的,这使得它能够以一种既准确又吸引人的方式理解和响应自然语言输入。在这篇博客文章中,我们将仔细研究ChatGPT,以及它是如何彻底改变自然语言处理(NLP)领域的。江南足球体育官网
The idea behind ChatGPT is to create a machine that can understand and respond to natural language inputs in a way that is similar to how humans do. This is accomplished by training the model on a large dataset of text, which allows it to learn the nuances of language and how it is used in different contexts. The model is then able to generate coherent and fluent responses to inputs that are similar to what a human would say.
One of the key features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate text that is both coherent and fluent. This means t...
2023 - 01 - 23 - t13:50:19 + 0
<![CDATA[用概念解锁生产力:组织工作和提高效率的初学者指南]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 concept是一个强大的生产力工具,可以帮助您保持组织和顶部的工作。无论您是学生、专业人士,还是正在寻找更好的方法来管理任务和笔记的人,concept都是一个很好的选择。
Here are a few tips for getting started with Notion as a beginner:

Create a workspace. Your first step should be to create a new workspace in Notion. This is where you'll store all of your notes, tasks, and other information. You can name your workspace whatever you like, and you can also customize its appearance and layout.

Use templates. Notion offers a wide variety of templates that you can use to quickly set up your workspace. These templates include everything from task lists and project management templates to calendars and journals. Using a template can save you a lot of time and help you get started quickly.

Organize your information. Once you've set up your workspace and chosen a template, it's time to start organizing your inf...
2023 - 01 - 23 - t13:18:08 + 0
<!山姆·班克曼-弗里德270亿美元的财富是如何在30岁时变成零的 https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 不久前,FTX创始人萨姆•班克曼•弗里德(Sam Bankman Fried)还是30岁以下最富有的人。他的净资产高达270亿美元,他甚至有可能收购Robinhood。然而,他的成功最令人印象深刻的部分可能是,他是少数几个能够保持相对积极的公众形象的亿万富翁之一。像Meet Kevin, Andrei Jikh, Financial Education Jeremy,甚至Graham Stephan等受欢迎的财经youtube博主一直在宣传FTX是首选的加密交易所。他们把山姆描述成一个慈善的嬉皮士,只想帮助别人,我也助长了这种看法。虽然我从未与FTX或其他任何人做过赞助,但我确实在一年前发布了一段关于Sam Bankman的相当积极的视频。这么说吧,山姆很擅长扮演慈善僧侣的角色。
He didn’t live in some sort of California estate with his fellow tech billionaires. Instead, he lived in the Bahamas with 10 ro...
2022 - 11 - 25 - t10:26:00 + 0
<![CDATA[全球供应短缺日益严重]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 到目前为止,我相信你们都听说了供应短缺的事。新闻上到处都是,你们很多人可能都亲身经历过。众所周知,许多日常用品的等待时间和价格已经飙升。更糟糕的是,情况似乎只会越来越糟。以特斯拉为例。
The wait time for model 3 is 3 to 6 months. Wait times for the model Y are 6 to 9 months. Wait times for the Model S are 3 to 6 months. Wait times for the Model X are 9 to 12 months. And the Cybertruck is nowhere to be found. Clearly, Tesla has months of backlog for all of its vehicles. Yet, their Q2 production numbers are down nearly 50,000 in comparison to Q1. And this is despite opening two new Gigafactory within the past couple of months. According to Elon, these factories are currently “gigantic money furnaces” because they simply can’t get enough parts to reach the scale that they need to.
It’s not just Tesla that’s facing these issues either. Even Apple is w...
2022 - 08 - 02 - t12:01:06 + 0
<![CDATA[Paytm数据泄露影响340万用户]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 根据安全监管机构Firefox Monitor的数据,Paytm在2020年经历了大规模的数据泄露,影响了340多万消费者。数据泄露还暴露了其他所谓的个人信息,包括性别、地点、收入水平和交易细节。

In a statement outlining the data breach, Firefox Monitor said, “A website data breach happens when cyber criminals steal, copy, or expose personal information from online accounts. It’s usually a result of hackers finding a weak spot in the website’s security. Breaches can also happen when account information gets leaked by accident.” The security tracker responded to speculations about why it took two years to report the leak, saying that it "can sometimes take months or years for credentials exposed in a data breach to appear on the dark web. Once they are identified and confirmed, breaches are added to our database."
Paytm Mall, the e-commerce subsidiary of Paytm, dismissed the report and stated that all of i...
2022 - 07 - 28 - t01:24:16 + 0
<![CDATA[AirPods Pro 2:我们目前所知道的一切]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 今年秋天,苹果预计将推出第二代AirPods Pro,有很多传言称可能会有一些变化。从设计开始。自2016年以来,所有的AirPods都有一个梗。但随着AirPods Pro 2的推出,这种情况可能会改变。彭博社(Bloomberg)的马克•古尔曼(Mark Gurman)表示:“苹果希望通过取消从底部伸出的短杆,让AirPods Pro 2更加紧凑。”这意味着新款手机可能与Galaxy Buds外形相似。这是许多AirPods用户一直希望看到的。但据称来自苹果内部的消息泄露了新款AirPods Pro 2的照片。而且他们还保留了茎,这种设计似乎更有实际意义。
Since Apple wants to include health sensors like a heart rate detector and body temperature reader, which would require more space than the previous generation AirPods Pro. Not to mention the haptic pressure controls are built into the stem, so removing it would create a number of practical issues th...
2022 - 07 - 15 - t02:33:12 + 0
<!Zomato要破产了吗?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 想象你是一家每天都在增长的公司的老板。你的收入每天都在增加,成功是亲吻你的脚,一切都很幸运。市场上只剩下一个竞争对手,等待着大规模的IPO,向所有投资者公布56%的收益,在一段时间内,股价翻倍。
But suddenly, You come to know that the losses of your company have increased so much that at any point in time, you may become bankrupt. If all these things happen to you then what will happen to you?
I am talking about Zomato: The company whose IPO came out very loudly. If you look at the figures, for the last 3 years this company is in very severe losses. In 2019, Rs. 964 crores, in 2020, Rs 2367 crores, at last, but not least finally in 2021 the losses stood at Rs 812 crores. The day November 15, 2021, the share price of Zomato is Rs. 160 at its all-time high the people who invested money inside the IPO and sold the...
2022 - 07 - 11 - t11:54:19 + 0
<!电动汽车制造商Rivian市值下跌1430亿美元,但仍被高估?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 去年年底,瑞维安成为全球第三大最有价值的汽车制造商,仅次于丰田和特斯拉。这意味着他们的估值高于大众戴姆勒、通用汽车和福特。当时,他们的市值高达1610亿美元,而且他们并没有每年交付数百万辆汽车。
In fact, they had just started delivering their first production vehicle the R1T. Since then, Rivian has produced and delivered a few thousand vehicles throughout Q1, but this is obviously not enough to justify a $161 billion valuation either. Fortunately, though, the stock market has cooled off quite a bit since the end of last year which has annihilated Rivian stock. In fact, their stock graph is literally justa downward trend having sold off nearly 90% from the peak.
At the bottom, Rivian stood at a valuation of $17.3 billion which is a far more reasonable valuation for an up-and-coming EV startup. But, Rivian is by...
2022 - 07年- 07 - t04:16:41 + 0
<![CDATA[埃隆的Twitter交易发生了什么]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 4月初,埃隆宣布收购Twitter 9.2%的股份,震惊了全世界。起初,他表现得很冷静,并没有明确表示他是否想收购这家公司。
Many speculated that Elon was just trying to join the Twitter board so that he could influence decisions at the company without taking over the entire company. The fact that Twitter capped his stake at 15% just made it even less likely that Elon would attempt a takeover. But, despite all that, it didn’t take long for Elon to make a buyout offer for $41.39 billion. And the board would eventually accept a bid for $44 billion.
Elon instantly went ahead and sold off his Tesla stock and secured billions of dollars worth of loans to pay for Twitter. All of this unfolded within a month, so it seemed like both Elon and Twitter wanted to get this deal done ASAP.
But, at this point, it’s been nearly 2 months since Elon secured funding for the Twitter deal, and we’ve seen virtually no progress....
2022 - 07 - 05 - t02:06:48 + 0
<![CDATA[英特尔-全球芯片短缺困境]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 几十年来,英特尔一直是半导体之王。他们的性能无与伦比,消费者为拥有一台英特尔驱动的机器而自豪。即使在5年前,英特尔也保持着同样的主导地位,因为他们根本没有竞争对手。但随着时间的推移,英特尔的品牌影响力和市场份额似乎正在年复一年地被侵蚀。与此同时,他们的竞争对手比以往任何时候都做得更好。AMD的市场份额一直保持在历史最高水平,英伟达的估值也接近万亿美元。更不用说,在过去的两年里,我们经历了有史以来最大的芯片短缺。所以,如果英特尔有机会回到正轨,那就是在过去的两年里。但是,英特尔一直在努力完全恢复。
In fact, Intel is still down 37% from their dotcom high which was set 22 years ago. In that same time period, AMD has grown 3X and Nvidia has grown  70X. And if you needed any more confirmation that investors have no faith in Inte...
2022 - 06 - 29 - t13:57:53 + 0
<!优步否认有关其考虑出售印度业务的报道 https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 据报道,优步科技考虑了包括出售在内的无数种可能性。然而,随着这家网约车公司的估值暴跌,谈判结束了。据彭博社报道,优步注意到自己在印度成功改善公司的能力有限后,考虑了各种选择,最终与许多感兴趣的各方取得了联系。
According to the report, Uber mulled a stock swap with a local company as well as a pullout. A stock deal was preferred at the exploratory level to maintain its presence in India. However, Uber has dismissed the report, labelling it "categorically false." "We have never even considered leaving India for a second. India is just as crucial to Uber today as it was nine years ago. We are serving customers and drivers in over 100 cities, aggressively employing Indian talent, and planning for the next decade and beyond," said Uber spokesperson Ruchica Tomar said in a statement. Meanwhile, Uber CEO Dara K...
2022 - 06 - 24 - t13:06:40 + 0
<!为什么亿万富翁有这么多债务?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 通常,对于我们普通人来说,财务上最重要的事情之一就是摆脱债务。无论是学生贷款、汽车贷款还是抵押贷款,我们都想尽快还清,以尽量减少我们支付的利息。
If we had the money, most of us would avoid debt altogether, but ironically, some of the richest people in the world also have the most debt in the world. By now, I’m sure all of you guys have heard about Elon’s plans to take over Twitter for $44 billion. And given that Elon’s net worth is currently hovering at about a quarter trillion dollars, it’s not impossible for him to just pay cash. Yet, he’s planning on taking out quite a bit of debt. The current plan is to take out $13 billion in debt against Twitter, and  $12.5 billion in debt against his Tesla stake.
This means that he’s taking out a total of  $25.5 billion in debt. Now, Elon may choose to pay more cash by the time the deal closes in order to minimize the risk of a margin call, but the root question sti...
2022 - 05 - 28 - t01:47:43 + 0
<!为什么对冲基金经理赚得这么多?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 当人们想到世界上收入最高的工作时,他们通常会想到高管。考虑到桑达尔·皮查伊和蒂姆·库克等人每年的收入往往超过1亿美元,这是有道理的。但是,实际上有一份工作的薪水更高,那就是对冲基金经理。顶级对冲基金经理不仅是亿万富翁,而且他们每年都能赚上数十亿美元。
In 2021, the top-paid hedge fund manager was ironically Ken  Griffin from Citadel who pulled in a total of $2.5 billion. Considering this insane income, you would think that these guys are the next Warren Buffett, but this isn’t exactly true. At least with top executives, they generally create a lot more value for shareholders than they’re paid themselves. 
For example, since Tim Cook became CEO, Apple’s market cap has grown by over $2 trillion.  So, it’s understandable that Tim Cook is paid so much. But, hedge fund managers, their performance is generally not only me...
2022 - 05 - 17日0 - t15:26:46 +
<![CDATA[为什么iphone软件更新后速度变慢]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 如果你把你的iPhone升级到新版本的iOS系统,感觉它变慢了,你并不是一个人。苹果公司被指责为了让更多人升级换代而放慢旧款iPhone的速度,但事实并非如此。这个问题与可充电电池的老化程度以及新操作系统对这些设备的电力需求有关。如果你用的是一年前的iPhone 12,那么升级到最新版本的iOS可能不会减慢你的设备速度。但如果你有一部使用了两到三年的iPhone,在更新到iOS 15后,你可能已经开始注意到一些故障和滞后。
This may seem counterintuitive since newer operating systems should reduce bugs. But the reason your older iPhone is struggling isn’t due to faulty lines of code, but rather, a more power-hungry operating system that demands more performance from the devices they run on. And if your device is a few years old, this can cause some problems. Because as lithium-ion batteries...
2022 - 03 - 19 t05:15:39 + 0
<![CDATA[iOS 15最佳新功能,提示和技巧]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 在2021年全球开发者大会上,苹果公司推出了另一个版本的iOS。iOS 15在iOS 14的基础上进行了扩展,提供了更好的隐私保护、简单的功能和更紧密的生态系统。如果你不像我一样专注于直播,你可能会错过一些令人惊叹的iOS 15功能。别担心,我已经准备了一份清单,列出了所有最酷的iOS 15新功能、提示和技巧,让你的iPhone发挥最大的作用。
Tips and Tricks for iOS 15
Before we get started, here's how to install iOS 15 on your iPhone. It is compatible with any devices released after the iPhone 6s and onwards. If you have one of the most recent iPhone 13 series, it will come pre-installed with iOS 15.

On your iPhone, launch the Settings app.
Scroll down and select General.
Select Software Update.
Select Download.
If iOS 14.8 displays at the top, scroll down and select Upgrade to iOS 15. Then hit download and Install.

Android and Windows users can use FaceTime
One of the most signif...
2021 - 10 - 01 - t03:39:46 + 0
<![CDATA[为什么苹果每年都会发布新款iphone]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 每年,苹果都会举行发布会,发布下一代iphone。但你有没有想过,与iPad或MacBook等其他产品相比,苹果为什么坚持如此一致的发布时间表?
Well, that’s what I’ll explain right now.
So back when the iPhone was first announced in 2007, the iPod was Apple’s highest-selling product. But that quickly changed when iPhone took the top spot in 2010. And this shift was important since a company tends to focus most of its resources on their most profitable products. Prior to the iPhone, the iPod received annual upgrades. But as its sales were eclipsed by the iPhone, it was upgraded less frequently.  With most models eventually being discontinued.
Annual iPhone releases ensure customers have the opportunity to upgrade their devices are often as possible and maximize the company’s annual profit. In recent years, Apple has made upgrading more affordable by introducing initiatives like their trade-in program. Giving customers a...
2021 - 10 - 01 - t03:15:50 + 0
<![CDATA[小米小米11 Lite即将在Flipkart上销售] https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 印度官方证实,小米小米11 Lite将于6月22日推出。据该公司称,这款手机被宣传为“2021年最轻薄的智能手机”。据证实,这款智能手机现在可以在Flipkart上购买。
On Flipkart, there is no updated information on the Mi 11 Lite's specs and features. It just states that the item weighs 157 grammes and is 6.8mm thick. According to leaked information from earlier this year, the Mi 11 Lite will be available in India in three configurations: 6GB RAM + 128GB storage, 8GB RAM + 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage. Colours such as black, blue, and pink are expected to be available.

While the smartphone is available in both 4G and 5G models in other regions, it looks that India will only get the 4G variant. In India, the device could cost less than Rs 25,000 (about $342).
Specifications of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite
The Xiaomi Mi 11 Lite comes equipped with a 6.55-inch AMOLED display w...
2021 - 06 - 11 - t06:40:10 + 0
<![CDATA[华为计划2025年建成无人驾驶汽车技术]]>江南体育全站app https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 华为的目标是到2025年建成无人驾驶乘用车技术。江南体育全站app这一消息来自于本周早些时候一位公司高管的评论,该公司正寻求扩大其汽车行业。
“Our team’s goal is to reach true driverless passenger cars in 2025,” says Wang Jun, a senior executive at Huawei's smart vehicle unit. Other automakers, tech corporations, startups, and others have been working on their own self-driving vehicle technology, similar to the Chinese tech giant. This includes companies like Xiaomi, Baidu, and others that are aiming to expand into the automotive business.

Among those who are unaware, Huawei has been developing small electric vehicles since the US government imposed sanctions that affected its smartphone division, which was one of its main operations. Now, the company is focusing on building its own self-driving car technology, as well as launching numerous car-related components that have been used in vehicle...
2021 - 06 - 11 - t06:05:38 + 0
<![CDATA[KDE Gear 21.04.2软件套件更新已发布] https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 KDE Gear 21.04.2是最新KDE Gear 21.04开源软件套件系列的第二个点发布,今天由KDE项目发布。
KDE Gear 21.04.2 arrives nearly a month after the first point release in the KDE Gear 21.04 series, and it's jam-packed with bug fixes and improvements for your favourite KDE apps.
The option to add a new radio station in the Elisa music player, which now properly updates an album when removing one of its tracks, support for the KMail email app to import an eml file, and support for the Konsole terminal emulator to allow /bin/sh as a profile command are among the highlights.
The Spectacle screenshot utility, which is now much faster and more reliable on the Plasma Wayland session, the Okular document viewer, which now correctly renders embedded PNG images in .cbz comic book archives, and the KTorrent torrent downloader, which no longer downloads non-existing GeoIP data, have all received improvements.
This second point release of the KDE...
2021 - 06 - 11 - t00:58:34 + 0
<!苹果私有中继和VPN应用有何不同?]] > https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 苹果公司每年都会在全球开发者大会上发布新版iOS、iPadOS和macOS,以及它们的突破性功能。在今年的WWDC大会上,Private Relay或Apple VPN成为了热门话题,很大程度上是因为它可以取代你日常的VPN应用,或者它真的可以吗?我不是一个只看表面价值的人,所以我决定进一步调查。让我们看看什么是私有中继,它是如何工作的,它与传统vpn有什么不同,最重要的是,如果我们在苹果设备上需要这两种vpn。
What really is a Private Relay?
Private Relay is a new service from Apple that encrypts your internet activity and relays it via two different servers to keep it concealed or anonymized from ISPs' prying eyes. The traffic from your web browser is initially encrypted on your device, which masks the traffic and prevents ISPs and other agencies from recognising your surfing data. The encrypted data is then forwarded to another server, which grants it a new IP address. The second portion is similar to a VPN,...
2021 - 06 - 10 - t23:11:14 + 0
<![CDATA[微软预计推出Xbox云游戏硬件]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 微软今天证实,一款专用的游戏流媒体设备将很快发布。微软还在与一些电视制造商合作,将Xbox体验直接整合到他们的联网显示器中,并预计在今年晚些时候将云游戏引入PC Xbox应用程序,重点是在购买前先玩。
The physical appearance of these new game streaming devices isn't yet revealed, as Microsoft has neither given any additional information. But it's more than likely that we're talking about a Chromecast-style streaming stick or a small Apple TV-style box. We also don't know which TV manufacturers it will work with at this time.
It's no secret that Microsoft believes in cloud gaming. With Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, subscribers can already play more than 100 console games on Android, streamed from the Azure cloud, for example. It will offer cloud gaming in the browser on Edge, Chrome, and Safari to all Xbox Game Pass Ultimate cus...
2021 - 06 - 10 - t10:43:17 + 0
<!三星将开始为第三方手机制造商生产可折叠OLED面板> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 三星是可折叠智能手机领域最知名的品牌之一。该公司已经发布了三款机型,但似乎它将通过向其他手机制造商供应可折叠OLED显示屏来扩大其市场份额。谷歌、小米、Vivo和Oppo都是制造商。
The first reference of Google's foldable phone was first mentioned in documents leaked in August 2020. Google's foldable phone, codenamed "Passport," is expected to be released in Q4 2021. The exact specifications are unknown, but according to a recent report, it will include a 7.6-inch foldable OLED display.
Later this year, Vivo expects to debut its first foldable phones. This phone will have a 6.5-inch OLED display and an 8-inch OLED display, although only the former will be made by Samsung. BOE will manufacture the 6.5-inch screen.
Xiaomi, which introduced a foldable smartphone in March, plans to release another by the end of 2021. It will have an 8-inch OLED panel and a 6.5-inch OLED panel, si...
2021 - 06 - 10 - t01:43:56 + 0
<![CDATA[Microsoft Inspire 2021现已开放注册]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 微软激励2021年应该在很久以前的6月开始注册,当时日期是在2月份首次宣布的,现在这家科技巨头信守了诺言。你现在就可以注册参加7月14日至15日举行的虚拟活动。
Because Inspire is aimed at business partners, consumers shouldn't have to wait 48 hours in the middle of July for large media releases that are relevant to them. Microsoft is also hosting another event on June 24th, where the next version of Windows will be unveiled (which might be Windows 11).
Satya Nadella, CEO; Judson Althoff, EVP and Chief Commercial Officer, Customer and Partner Solutions; Vasu Jakkal, CVP, Security, Compliance and Identity; and Nick Parker, CVP, Global Partner Solutions are among the Microsoft executives who will be presenting at Microsoft Inspire.
Microsoft Inspire is a once opportunity to meet and learn from industry leaders, experts, and other partners from around the world.
You can register n...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t22:09:32 + 0
<![CDATA[Apple在Intel mac上限制macOS Monterey功能]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 最新版本的macOS包含了许多令人兴奋的功能,但其中一些功能只与新的M1芯片兼容。这有点奇怪,因为M1 mac电脑只占苹果用户群的一小部分。抛弃基于英特尔的Mac用户似乎是不明智的。
Apple shines at publicizing its new hardware and software. Craig Federighi demonstrated this ability as the opening keynote speaker for Apple's WWDC 2021 conference. In macOS Monterey, features like Live Text, Universal Control, and detailed 3D maps were highlighted as must-haves. There is, however, a catch.
Many of Monterey's hype-worthy features are incompatible with Intel-based Macs, which Federighi did not mention during the announcement. This truth was discovered after reading the fine print footnotes on Apple's Monterey preview website, which was published on Monday following the presentation.
While the latest version of the Mac operating system will work on earlier Intel Macs, several features, such as t...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t21:48:41 + 0
<![CDATA[粉丝批评苹果向创作者支付30%佣金]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 Fanhouse是一个内容创作者的平台,它发起了一场运动,抗议苹果在应用商店中向创作者支付30%的佣金。
According to the founders of Fanhouse, a platform that allows creators to be paid by their fans for exclusive content, Apple has threatened to remove them from the App Store by August if they do not give a 30% share on payments made to creators on the platform.
"People who are relying on their creative income as a means to support themselves will now find themselves being taxed by Apple more than they would by their own government. Someone making $10,000 would now only make $6,000," Jasmine Rice, the company's founder, stated. "For some people, that difference can be life or death."
Fanhouse is a platform that offers creators to create a private social media page that only paying fans can access. The app, which was founded in 2020, made it onto the App Store without Apple recognising that it enabled payments that were not available through Apple's i...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t21:35:02 + 0
<![CDATA[美国政府撤销TikTok和微信的禁令] https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 去年夏天,时任美国总统唐纳德·特朗普签署了一项行政命令,禁止与美国投资者就抖音和微信等应用程序进行大多数形式的交易。据《纽约时报》报道,美国政府今天撤销了这一命令。
According to the order, these apps constituted a threat to users by potentially sharing personal information with the Chinese Communist Party. The executive order, if carried out, would have resulted in the removal of these apps from app stores. In fact, the Department of Commerce announced that the apps would be banned soon, citing similar security concerns. WeChat was supposed to be banned on September 20th, while TikTok had until November 12th to address its security issues.
In response, TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, attempted to sell off the company's US operations. It sought to resolve security concerns by selling its operations to an American company and giving over control of customer data. Many companies appeared to...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t21:12:31 + 0
<![CDATA[Android 12 beta 2已经到来,同时还有一个新的设计和隐私仪表盘]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 在上个月的谷歌I/O 2021期间,谷歌发布了首个Android 12测试版。然而,在推出之前,谷歌承诺了许多最初测试版中没有包含的新功能。
Thankfully, some of the promised features are included in Android 12 beta 2, which is currently being rolled out. This contains the Privacy Dashboard as well as a host of other privacy and security settings. There's also a new network connection method that looks a lot like Samsung's One UI. One of the most eagerly anticipated new features in the update is the context-aware visual redesign.
To install Android 12 beta 2, you'll need a Pixel 3/3XL, Pixel 3a/3a XL, Pixel 4/4 XL, Pixel 4a/4a 5G, or Pixel 5. You should receive an OTA notification soon if you already have the beta installed.
Privacy Dashboard in Android 12 beta 2

With Apple making big changes to its iPhone privacy and security policies, it was only a matter of time before Google had to react. The new Privacy Dashboard is a part o...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t15:06:25 + 0
<!Vivaldi浏览器现在包括内置的邮件、日历和RSS阅读器]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 Vivaldi用户现在可以使用浏览器内置的工具查看他们的电子邮件、日历和RSS订阅:4.0版本,包括Vivaldi邮件测试版,承诺为“大科技”公司开发的web应用程序提供更私密的选择。即使可能的隐私改进被忽略了,Vivaldi提供了一些高级用户可能想要的东西:一个集浏览、电子邮件和计划于一身的软件。
The email client supports IMAP and POP accounts, allowing you to connect to the vast majority of email services. You can also easily have messages open in tabs rather than taking over the current window, which is useful if you often need to bounce between emails. In my experience, the search is likewise quite speedy.

The calendar and RSS reader also deliver the majority of the functionality, as well as a couple of pretty cool extras. For example, the RSS reader includes YouTube channels, which may be useful for those concerned about an algorithm opting not to show a creator's vid...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t06:32:57 + 0
<![CDATA[Instagram解释其算法如何决定你看到的内容]]> https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 在Instagram从严格的时间顺序转变为算法feed的五年多后,人们仍在渴望“美好的过去”。Instagram发布了一篇新的博客文章,旨在澄清关于其内容如何呈现的一些“误解”,尽管该公司对回到过去的做事方式不感兴趣。Instagram首席执行官亚当·莫塞里(Adam Mosseri)发表的这篇博客首先指出,没有哪一种算法可以决定你在整个应用程序中看到的内容。相反,该软件的每个元素都有自己的一套内容排名规则。
Although they're "tuned to how users use it," all of the algorithms work in a similar manner. When it comes to your Feed and Stories queues, for example, Instagram says the goal is to show you photos and videos from your friends, family, and other people you concern about.
The app ranks each post depending on the information it takes from it. According to Instagram, there are "thousands" of t...
2021 - 06 - 09 - t06:04:17 + 0
<!电动汽车初创公司菲斯克(Fisker)设定了一个登月目标,即到2027年制造出一款碳中性汽车 https://江南体育贴吧 棕色的狼 电动汽车初创公司Fisker Inc.制定了一个雄心勃勃的目标,要在2027年前生产出第一辆碳中性汽车。Fisker还没有将汽车推向市场,无论它是否是气候中性的,这是一个很高的目标。菲斯克首席执行官亨里克·菲斯克周二在向投资者进行的更广泛的介绍中提出了这一目标,这款全电动菲斯克海洋SUV仍计划于2022年11月投产,但它不会对气候产生影响。相反,另一辆尚未公布的汽车将被选择。
During the investor call, Henrik Fisker, a successful entrepreneur best known for designing classic vehicles such as the Aston Martin V8 Vantage, the production launch design of the Aston Martin DB9, and the BMW Z8 roadster, also shared a few more updates. He expects the Ocean to have a range of up to 350 miles, up from the prior estimate of 300 miles. According to an annual report presented to shareholders, the company has received over 14,000 reservatio...
2021 - 06 - 08 - t21:49:16 + 0