https://江南体育贴吧 <![CDATA[Jeremy Dale | 江南体育贴吧TechPlanet]]> . 2023 - 03 - 09 - t19:26:52 + 0 <![CDATA[人工智能将帮助每个人]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 杰里米·戴尔 放眼望去,每个人都在谈论ChatGPT。江南足球体育官网这个神经网络引起了大家的注意。每个人都有自己的理由。有些人把它用于工作,有些人出于好奇,还有人认为它对人类是危险的。
ChatGPT is everywhere
You can come across mentions of this chat in the most unexpected places. On the Internet, there are more and more examples of neural network responses in discussions and some of the responses are just published in various communities. The unexpected quotes are usually explained by saying that the user was just wondering what the artificial intelligence had to say on the subject.
It is also interesting to see the reaction of others: some are curious just to read the answer of the AI, while others begin to earnestly criticize its opinion, as if it was written by a real person. This is a new and very unusual phenomenon - when the boundaries of perception between a product created by a human and the one generated by a n...
2023 - 03 - 09 - t19:26:52 + 0
<![CDATA[江南足球体育官网ChatGPT - Gem4me Blogger]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 杰里米·戴尔 Artificial intelligence answers all the questions from subscribers 
The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence is of interest to both IT developers and common users, but also scientists as well. At first, they were slightly concerned by the new invention. The concerns were mostly deriving from the fact that Artificial Intelligence may surpass human intellect and pose a threat to it. However, the neural ChatGPT network had recently emerged, after which an international group of scientists released a manifest that depicted their official position in regards to this notion. Its core purpose was to announce that the collective opinion of scientists has changed from being concerned to a positive view of the phenomenon. The core reason for such is recognition of the fact that stopping the development of neural networks is impossible; hence, it is essential to learn to exist in a mutually beneficial manner with them. 

As a result, scientists made the decision to use such neural networ...
2023 - 02年- 22 - t11:10:43 + 0
<![CDATA[Gem4me的6个意想不到的功能会让你大吃一惊]]> https://江南体育贴吧 杰里米·戴尔 即使是最著名的产品也能给你惊喜:你用了很多年才发现某些你不知道存在的功能。如果该特性没有多大用处,那么它就不是相关的;然而,这种性质的特性通常使应用程序更加方便,使生活更加简单。在新特性方面,Gem4me有更多这样的功能。乍一看,它可能只是一个信使,然而,我们能在里面找到什么呢?
Catalog of Channels (blogs)
Despite other messengers having public channels, locating all of them in one section is practically impossible. For instance, users of Telegram need to either turn to third party services or use the search system. However, only those channels that are popular with subscribers and are well-known can be located through the search. Therefore, what should a user do when they simply wish to browse the available selection of channels and find one to their liking? 

On the contrary, Gem4me offers a cat...
2023 - 01 - 27 - t18:42:25 + 0
<![CDATA[Gem4me 2022年业绩:成就与未来计划]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 杰里米·戴尔 2022年对于Gem4me的开发者来说意义重大。总之,你应该知道的核心概念是,Gem4me现在不仅仅是一个信使,以防你厌倦了阅读全文。
The developers are listing their greatest accomplishments in 2022 in the following order: 
– introduced a news feed in the channels section;
– provided new privacy and security settings;
– prepared a foundation for bloggers, including broadcast recording, comments on articles and donations;
– launched free voice message transcription;
– minor features - designed new backgrounds for chats and individual sticker packages, introduced the indicator of a message being composed and many more.
There is no need to mention all the innovations - the list would be too long; moreover, a common user may not even comprehend most of them. Although, the user will notice how much more convenient the application became.  

News feed
The most interesting addition that was welcomed by pr...
2022 - 12 - 21 - t11:01:58 + 0
<![CDATA[5 Gem4me生态系统组件]]> . https://江南体育贴吧 杰里米·戴尔 Gem4me生态系统的开发始于信使:第一个版本于2016年在谷歌Play商店发布。MarketSpace商业平台于2019年引入该生态系统。从那时起,开发人员就走上了类似微信平台的道路,为中国的现代用户替换了不下10种不同的服务。欧洲部分仍然没有这样的生态系统,这正是埃隆·马斯克开始讨论创建“欧洲微信”的原因。虽然马斯克只是在计划,但Gem4me的开发人员已经成功地实现了。那么,Gem4me包含什么?
The classic functionality of a messenger is not subject to a close review, as everyone knows that a quality messenger allows to exchange free messages of various kinds (text, audio, video, images, stickers and etc.), as well as, place voice calls to both an individual or a group.  Gem4me is essentially different by the fact that it does not hav...
2022 - 11 - 08 - t12:00:34 + 0